Save Ridley Road
Resistance Timeline

Produced by Save Ridley Road, pasted on Ridley Road Shopping Village in 2023

Charting the realities traders of the Ridley Road Shopping Village have had to persevere with, and the community resistance of Save Ridley Road, a campaign of traders, local residents and artists of the Ridley Road Shopping Village.

A major victory of the campaign has been to resist the development of the Ridley Road Shopping Village into “luxury flats and high standard offices”. The building is currently being refurbished with the plan of Hackney Council to manage Ridley Road Shopping Village as an indoor market. The indoor and street market are closely linked, with four of the indoor market traders also running street market stalls.
Traders have continued to work in theses difficult conditions of uncertainty and gentrification. They are soon to move to refurbished units, however, still under insecure lease conditions. Being part of a London wide-coalition of market campaigns, it is clear that traders in street markets/ retail spaces of working class and racialised communities all across London are facing very similar situations.

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All content © 2012-2023 Tamara Rabea Stoll